Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dusting off the blog...

SILLY ME for thinking I would actually have time to keep up with a teaching blog during my first year. HA! 

Now that the school year is coming to an end, I look back at pictures of my classroom from the first week. It was so empty and bare! I have come a long way with the help of my little firsties. Here are some more recent pics of my home away from home...

 I found this to be a much easier way to display student work in the hallway rather than taping things to the cement wall.

 Literacy centers

Just as I've made myself comfy and cozy, I have been told that I will be moving classrooms next year to be closer to the other first grade teachers. As we all know, part of being a teacher involves being super flexible. Guess it's just another chance for me to redecorate and organize now that I have my first year under my belt. :)

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